Home Invader Regrets Kicking Down Door Of Gamer Geek

Ex-con decides to kick down the door of a nerd who was playing computer games and watching Rick and Morty. Big, big mistake!

The nerd spends a lot of time with a group that recreates bladed combat. Kind of like the Society for Creative Anachronism, but different. All of that training stood him in good stead. When the crash of entry forced Ben Ball to drop the controller and take his eyes off of the TV, he came up swinging with a bearded axe!

Picture source.

Kind of like that, but different. I don’t think that the weapon had much of an edge on it, as the felon managed to flee with his life after a brief struggle. Police used dogs to track the suspect via the blood trail he left behind, and he was taken in to custody and provided with medical attention. Ben Ball managed to defend his home and his person with only minor injuries.

Mr. Ball is a hero. He was willing to live and let live, tried to avoid trouble, but when trouble kicked down his door he didn’t hesitate to reach for his favorite axe and stand his ground! Not to mention that the edged weapon sparring he takes part in looks like a lot of fun.

You can get the skinny by watching the local news segment of the incident.

(Hat tip to Glenn for the heads up.)

Firearms History Blog

I came across a blog that I think my readers would find interesting. It is Firearms History, Technology & Development.

What is it about? The title pretty much says it all. It hasn’t been updated in a few years, but I don’t think the info found there has become stale in any way.

What caught my eye and interest was a series of posts where the author discusses the effectiveness of old firearms.

Short barrelled flintlock.
Louise Brooks with a pair of flintlocks.

Antique firearms are tested for accuracy, penetration, and velocity. The results were compared to modern military arms so one can judge the old stuff to the new hotness. Really interesting, at least to me.

Plenty of other stuff there as well, such as the development history of prepellents. Worth a look if you are in to this sort of thing.

Best Choice : Handguns VS Long Guns

Considering some of the recent active shooting incidents that have occurred recently, I have been asked by concerned people what the best choice is for self defense. This surprised me, as I thought people living in Texas would already be pretty up on these things. But I suppose the basics never truly go out of style.

So that is what this is, a series of posts that will go over the bare basics of choosing a firearm for self defense. If you, dear reader, are already familiar with the subject then please pass on by.

Ruger P94
Krag-Jorgenson chambered for .30-40

Okay, handguns and long guns. What is better? Long guns by far!

Hey, that was easy! I should go throw the frisbee for my dogs!

Well, maybe not yet. I should probably explain WHY long guns are almost always superior.